SPRINGFIELD, Ill. —State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, is working hard to pass a bill that will provide fair compensation for all educational support service employees in Illinois.
“Our school employees are the backbone of our education system,” Hirschauer said. “They play a large role in our children’s lives by ensuring that every student has the support they need to thrive. Yet, so many of these dedicated individuals struggle to make ends meet, which is why they deserve fair compensation for their hard work.”
The proposed bill will amend the Employment of Teachers Article of the School Code, which will increase the minimum hourly rate for school district employees to a rate of not less than $20 for the 2024-2025 school year and increase by a dollar consecutively through the 2026-2027 school year. The legislation aims to provide educational support service employees with a fair and livable wage, including custodial employees, transportation employees, food service providers, classroom assistants, and administration staff.
“Behind every student, there is a team of dedicated school employees who work tirelessly to ensure their success,” Hirschauer said. “This bill is not just about fair wages, it’s also about showing our appreciation for those who care for our children every day. It’s time we stand together to demonstrate to these incredible individuals that their selflessness and dedication have not gone unnoticed.”
For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.
Rep. Maura Hirschauer
49th District
Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653
District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185