June 4, 2022 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

**Note the Date Change**
Representative Hirschauer is a member of the Illinois House of Representatives Veterans’ Affairs Committee. She is inviting local veterans to share their thoughts on legislation and how it affects military veterans, their families, and communities, over breakfast at the VFW in West Chicago.
If you are unable to attend, but would care to share ways that legislation could help veterans, please contact our office.
This event has passed and registration has now closed. If you would like to be notified of future Veterans events, please call 331-465-9661 or email office@repmaura49.com and ask to be added to our veteran contact list.
At our last breakfast, Representative Stephanie Kifowit, USMC Veteran 90-94 and chair of the Illinois House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, attended and spoke as a special guest. We hope she will be able to join us again! We also heard about the Road Home Program at Rush which offers valuable services for veterans in the space of mental health.