Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

August 25, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

The Joint Advisory Committees will advise both State Representative Hirschauer (49th) and State Senator Villa (25th). The purpose of the advisory committees is to listen to the voices of our districts and ensure effective representation.The Environment & Agriculture Advisory Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.
If you have not participated in these meetings before, please email to sign up for the Zoom link.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

State Senator Karina Villa

(630) 326-9319

View Organizer Website


Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

July 28, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

The Joint Advisory Committees will advise both State Representative Hirschauer (49th) and State Senator Villa (25th). The purpose of the advisory committees is to listen to the voices of our districts and ensure effective representation.The Environment & Agriculture Advisory Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.
If you have not participated in these meetings before, please email to sign up for the Zoom link.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

State Senator Karina Villa

(630) 326-9319

View Organizer Website


Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

June 23, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

The Joint Advisory Committees will advise both State Representative Hirschauer (49th) and State Senator Villa (25th). The purpose of the advisory committees is to listen to the voices of our districts and ensure effective representation.The Environment & Agriculture Advisory Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.
If you have not participated in these meetings before, please email to sign up for the Zoom link.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

State Senator Karina Villa

(630) 326-9319

View Organizer Website


Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

May 26, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

The Joint Advisory Committees will advise both State Representative Hirschauer (49th) and State Senator Villa (25th). The purpose of the advisory committees is to listen to the voices of our districts and ensure effective representation.The Environment & Agriculture Advisory Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.
If you have not participated in these meetings before, please email to sign up for the Zoom link.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

State Senator Karina Villa

(630) 326-9319

View Organizer Website


Newsletter End of Session Edition- April 22

View this newsletter on the MailChimp archive

What’s Happening in the 49th District!

Updates from Representative Hirschauer

Notes from Maura
Legislative Update

Around the District
District Office in Action
Upcoming Events
Notices of Funding Opportunities
Scholarships Available
Internships Available
Employment Opportunities

Notes from Maura

Hello friends!

April is National Volunteer Month and I would like to give a special shout-out to all you amazing volunteers out there! Whether you help out at your local food bank, hang with the animals at a nearby shelter, or volunteer at your kiddo’s school, you make our community a better place by sharing your time and your talents with others. We all rise when we help others. Thank you for making our community great!

Are you looking for volunteer opportunities? Join our office on Fridays and Saturdays as we help with weekly food distribution at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in West Chicago. Many families in our community are feeling the effects of inflation and unsure of where to find their next meal. Pastor Josh’s weekly food distribution provides resources for those who need it the most. Volunteers are needed to help pack and distribute food boxes. Call or email our office for details.

Legislative Update

The first week of April was a busy one in Springfield as my colleagues and I worked hard to meet the end of session deadline of April 9. Our number one priority was passing a fiscally and socially responsible budget. I am proud that we came together to create a budget that gives financial relief to the people and families that need it most, while also taking steps to restore the fiscal responsibility of the state. This budget also funds key initiatives around health care equity, community development, and business attraction. 

To combat inflation, our budget includes a one time infusion of more than $1.8 billion dollars in aid for people and families. Here are some key elements: 

  • We are suspending the grocery tax for a year, saving consumers $400 million
  • We are freezing the gas tax for 6 months-saving consumers $70 million
  • We are doubling the property tax rebate to save up to $300 per household
  • We are increasing and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit to cover more people, including immigrants. 
  • To assist working-class parents as they manage the pressures of inflation, we are giving EIC tax filers additional one-time direct checks for $50 per adult filer and $100 for each of their children.
  • We are doubling the teacher tax credit for purchasing classroom materials and creating a back-to-school tax holiday for all consumers.
In addition to supporting Illinois families we have made strides to be responsible stewards of our state finances. The fiscally-responsible steps we are taking will continue to raise Illinois’ credit rating and improve our financial forecast. These steps will also save on future interest payments that otherwise would continue to eat into our budget. We will be able to spend that extra money on essential services for the people of Illinois.
  • $9.6B will go to fully funding our pension obligations for fiscal year 2023. Countless Illinoisans worked for years to earn their pensions, and we must honor the commitment we made to them. 
  • We are paying down $4B in unpaid bills which includes:
    • All COVID-19-related borrowing
    • $900M in delayed health insurance bills
    • $500M in pension stabilization
    • Late payment interest
  • We’re infusing $1B into the once-depleted Rainy Day Fund
After the budget signing, my social media highlighted different areas of the budget in more detail. You can find these on my Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feeds.

I am proud to announce that the Fox Valley Park District was awarded a much needed appropriation for exciting new improvements to Lippold Park. As part of their comprehensive plan to expand outdoor education programming and multi-use space at Lippold Park the FVPD will be constructing a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Fox River to connect East to West. This project will increase access to Red Oak Nature Center and will open up the trail for even more folks to use. We are so excited about this project and I am happy to have helped advocate for this much needed capital appropriation.

In addition to the budget, in the last days of session we passed important public safety legislation.
  • HB4383 Senate Amendment 2 – Ghost Gun Ban (Hirschauer Chief-Cosponsor) – with the passage of this bill Illinois became the 12th state to ban unserialized firearms, including those that can be 3D printed or made from kits. As an advocate of common sense gun violence prevention, I am very proud of this bill. The rise in ghost guns is the fastest growing gun safety problem facing our state. Requiring serial numbers for ghost guns will help law enforcement solve crimes. Furthermore, prohibiting the purchase, sale, and manufacturing of ghost guns is a critical component to common-sense gun safety legislation.
  • Other public safety initiatives in this budget total nearly half a billion, with new dollars going toward youth intervention programs, witness protection, and police recruitment. More than $70 million has been allocated for domestic violence prevention, as well as $2 million for expanding trauma recovery centers.
Despite the shortened session, we were very busy in Springfield! For a more in depth update please consider joining me for my “End of Session Town Hall” on Tuesday May 10 at 7pm. Register on my website.
Register to come to the Town Hall on Tuesday, May 10, 7pm on Zoom


Around the District

Rep Hirschauer  had so much fun talking with 4th grade students at Alice Gustafson and 5th graders at J.B. Nelson Elementary Schools in Batavia. The future is BRIGHT with these smart, curious, and thoughtful kiddos at the helm. Thank you having Batavia Public School District 101 for having the Representative!

District Office in Action

Intern Mariah and Rep Maura work to package perishable foods for tomorrow's food drive.You may have seen our recent press release highlighting the additional needs of our local food pantries. The office is in contact with Pastor Josh at St.Andrew’s on a regular basis, is hosting a food drive this month along with Senator Villa’s office, and securing additional donations from some of our local companies and organizations. Today we helped with the preparations for tomorrow’s food pick up and are looking forward to next week’s Whole Family Health Fair at that same location!
If you hear a knock at your door, it may be our office out connecting with constituents and getting the word out about our services and events. After her time in Springfield, Maura is enjoying these opportunities to get out into the district to meet up with constituents one-on-one and hear about their needs and concerns.
District 49 is expanding our staff! If you have a passion for serving the community and are interested in the ways our state office can serve constituents, then this could be an opportunity for you! We are currently accepting local applicants for a Constituent Service and Community Outreach Coordinator, as well as for Fall Interns. Contact the office at 331-465-9661 with questions or submit a cover letter, resume, and references to

Upcoming Events

April 27 – Mobile DMV
with Senator Karina Villa
West Chicago Public Library
118 W Washington St, West Chicago
Whole Family Health Fair
Food Distribution and Health Resources
Saturday Apr 30, 8am-12pm
St. Andrew Church
155 N Prince Crossing Rd, West Chicago
Spring Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday May 10, 7pm-8pm
Registration Required
Veterans’ Breakfast
Saturday June 4, 9am-11am
VFW West Chicago
431 N Neltnor Blvd, West Chicago

Around the State

Notices of Funding Opportunities

Description Deadline
Illinois BioDiversity Field Trip Grant January 31, 2023
DCEO (State + Federal) Various
Illinois Catalog of State Financial Assistance Various
Upcoming: IDOA Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA)


Aspiring Black CPA Scholarship May 1


District Office Academic Internships – Fall Submit resume & cover letter to
IDES- Summer Job Info & Career Planning for High Schoolers & College Students


Work For Illinois – State Employment Portal
Constituent Service and Community Outreach Coordinator ongoing
Apprenticeships in Illinois – info for jobseekers as well as employers!

Want to see these newsletters the instant they come out? Sign up!

Spring Town Hall

June 7, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Join Representative Hirschauer for an End of Session update. Learn about her sponsored or co-sponsored bills that passed, how she and her office are supporting the people of the 49th, and upcoming events and opportunities.

Free Registration Required

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

The meeting registration has closed.
Newsletter- April 6 *|MC:SUBJECT|*

What’s Happening in the 49th District!

Updates from Representative Hirschauer

In Springfield

Around the District
District Office in Action
Upcoming Events
Notices of Funding Opportunities
Scholarships Available
Internships Available
Employment Opportunities


March was Women’s History month and I spent time reflecting on important contributions that women made throughout our history. I want to share one very special reflection.
I often say that I am who I am because of the strong women who came before me. These two fierce young women – who came after me – also play a huge role in shaping me not only as a mom, but as a leader and legislator. I would like to take time today to honor my daughters, who push me out of my comfort zone, hold my feet to the fire on tough issues, and show me everyday what leadership looks like.
“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” – Unknown

In Springfield

March was a busy month for passing legislation through the House. My bill HB5193, a bill to add safe gun storage to the school safety curriculum code passed with bi-partisan support on the house floor and has now passed Committee in the Senate and is headed to the floor. Promoting positive messages about keeping children and communities safe through safe gun storage is a key strategy to reducing unintentional gun injuries and death, death by homicide, and suicide. 

HB4332, a bill that will tackle our ongoing nursing shortage by breaking down barriers and opening pathways to future employment in the nursing sector, also passed the House with bipartisan support. The COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be an opportunity to re-examine the way we do many things here in Illinois. The CNA/MA workforce has provided critical care to our homebound and elderly community during the COVID-19 pandemic and their numbers are waning. This bill will help increase our nursing pipeline and help medical professionals reflect the communities they serve.  The bill has passed the Senate Executive Committee and is headed to the floor.

Reproductive health care is under attack across the country and we cannot count on the Supreme Court to uphold our fundamental right to make personal decisions about our reproductive health. That is why I passed HB1464 to protect qualified Illinois health care providers from attacks on their licensure from extreme politicians in neighboring states. Illinois sits as a beacon of safety for reproductive freedom and we must stand strong behind our providers who are committed to providing safe, accessible reproductive health care. My colleagues and I were proud to pass this bill to protect health care providers and shine our beacon of reproductive freedom a bit brighter.

Finally, we recently took necessary action to address the ongoing issues regarding the unemployment trust fund, which took a hit due to the pandemic. By doing so we made a clear commitment to good government and fiscal responsibility by paying off debts early to yield significant savings for Illinois taxpayers. 
SB2803 dedicates $2.7 billion of ARPA funds to help replenish the unemployment trust fund after a global pandemic forced businesses to shut down. The bill also supplements our current FY22 budget with new payments for pensions, the Prepaid Tuition Fund, and the state’s group insurance plan — yielding more than $1 billion in savings. All told, this is another step toward stronger credit, paying down debt, and developing the financial stability we need to get to work for families.

I am here to listen to the needs of all constituents. Feel free to reach out to my office at 331-465-9661 for any issues or concerns. I am here to serve.


Around the District

District 49 Chiefs of Police Roundtable March 14, 2022
Representative Hirschauer met virtually with the Chiefs of Police from IL-49 to talk about their concerns and learn about the ongoing issues in our police departments. The Chiefs brought attention issues that impact their departments along with recommendations to move forward as a state. Rep Hirschauer is committed to continue listening and learning from our local police departments to better serve the IL-49th district and to taking that feedback to Springfield. Thank you Chief Passarelli, Chief Ullrich, Chief Krawczyk, Chief Fisher, Chief Cross, Chief Eul, and Deputy Chief Shackelford for taking time to talk about your police departments.
Representative Hirschauer joins Lieutenant Governor at the Wilma Rudolph Learning Center to Celebrate Women’s History Month March 14, 2022
Rep. Hirschauer had the privilege of representing not just the 49th, but women throughout the state and history as part of Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton‘s Women’s History Month visit at Wilma Rudolph Learning Center. Students from William H. Brown School of Technology also joined the assembly.
With their school’s namesake as a role model demonstrating that they can do anything, these kids show every day that they’re advocating for themselves and ready for the next challenge.
Schools are Maura’s favorite places to visit because, as a former teacher, she knows that investment in the education of tomorrow’s leaders is essential to the health and prosperity of our state.
Moms Demand Action Advocacy Day March 23, 2022
Representative Hirschauer was a panelist for Moms Demand Action Advocacy Day. The Representative informed constituents about ongoing legislation to prevent gun violence in the community. She emphasized the need for education on safe gun storage to prevent further death of young children and suicide. Representative Hirschauer says that now is the time to advocate for bills like HB5193  for schools to have safe gun storage information more available for families and HB4729 to fund gun storage campaigns to reduce gun violence all throughout Illinois.  Rep. Hirschauer is grateful for all the work Moms Demand Action does in our community to reduce gun violence and save lives.

District Office in Action

March 24th, 2022
Batavian Ethan Tarver completed his Eagle Scout Project in collaboration with Suicide Prevention Services of America and Chief of Staff Miguel was present to witness.  The informative event included a screening of The S Word, a film that amplifies the voices of attempted suicide survivors, followed by a live panel that talked about ways to reach out to people who are in need of help. The overarching message was, “Do not fear using the word suicide.” We are proud of Eagle Scout Ethan for having this difficult conversation with the Batavia community. This is what advocacy looks like!
District 49 is expanding our staff! If you have a passion for serving the community and are interested in the ways our state office can serve constituents, then this could be an opportunity for you! We are currently accepting local applicants for a Constituent Service and Community Outreach Coordinator, as well as for Fall Interns. Contact the office at 331-465-9661 with questions or submit a cover letter, resume, and references to

Upcoming Events

April 27 – Mobile DMV
with Senator Karina Villa
West Chicago Public Library
118 W Washington St, West Chicago
Whole Family Health Fair
Food Distribution and Health Resources
Saturday Apr 30, 8am-12pm
St. Andrew Church
155 N Prince Crossing Rd, West Chicago
Veterans’ Breakfast
Saturday June 4, 9am-11am
VFW West Chicago
431 N Neltnor Blvd, West Chicago

Around the State

Notices of Funding Opportunities

Description Deadline
IDOA Specialty Crop Block Grant April 15
Illinois BioDiversity Field Trip Grant January 31, 2023
DCEO (State + Federal) Various
Illinois Catalog of State Financial Assistance Various
Upcoming: IDOA Local Food Purchase Assistance Program (LFPA)


Description Deadline
Conference of Women Legislators (COWL) April 15
Aspiring Black CPA Scholarship May 1


DCFS Academic Internships – Fall April 15
District Office Academic Internships – Fall Submit resume & cover letter to


Illinois Solar Energy Association Virtual Solar Job Fair April 14
Work For Illinois – State Employment Portal
Constituent Service and Community Outreach Coordinator ongoing until position is filled
Illinois House Democrats pass measure protecting providers of abortion-related medical services

Representative Hirschauer’s leadership on HB1464 was featured in this article from Capitol News Illinois! Learn more about this legislation and how Illinois is supporting women and their reproductive rights while many states are trying to remove these essential health services.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

April 28, 2022 @ 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

The Joint Advisory Committees will advise both State Representative Hirschauer (49th) and State Senator Villa (25th). The purpose of the advisory committees is to listen to the voices of our districts and ensure effective representation.The Environment & Agriculture Advisory Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm.
If you have not participated in these meetings before, please email to sign up for the Zoom link.

Joint Advisory Committee – Environment & Agriculture

State Representative Maura Hirschauer


View Organizer Website

State Senator Karina Villa

(630) 326-9319

View Organizer Website


Hirschauer Pushes for More School Nurses, Funding for School Health Services in Coming Budget

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. – In a continued effort to improve education in Illinois, state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, is introducing a measure to fund a study on school nursing capacity in Illinois.

“Countless low-income children with health conditions have most of their health needs met by school nurses, and the high level of care many of those nurses provide is a testament to their skill and dedication. It’s far from ideal, but school nurses provide a backstop when regular health services are unaffordable,” Hirschauer said. “However, the sad reality is that many kids in our communities don’t even have access to a school nurse. Illinois schools are facing a shortage, and it’s past time we get to work ending that. The study I am proposing will give us invaluable information on how to address this issue.”

In tandem with the Illinois Association of School Nurses (IASN), Hirschauer filed House Bill 5601, a measure to fund a study on school nursing capacity in Illinois. The study aims to understand the reasons for the current shortage and create new solutions to end it. Hirschauer has been a champion for revamping and improving education in Illinois; casting key votes on the House Appropriations: Elementary and Secondary Education committee, the House Child Care Accessibility and Early Childhood Education committee and the House Elementary and Secondary Education: School Curriculum and Polices committee.

Gloria Barrera, President of the IASN said, “Every child deserves access to a school nurse, no matter their zip code. Our goal is to achieve having a certified and licensed school nurse in every school district to supervise the health services program, that being said, we need the data to support that. We thank Representative Hirschauer for introducing HB5601 to appropriate $250,000 from the SBE Federal Department of Education Fund to the State Board of Education for a grant to contract with IASN to complete a study for school nursing capacity in this state, effective July 1, 2022.  The data collected will help drive action for our work in the future. We are asking legislators to support this bill. They’ll be hearing from school nurses in their districts very soon to further explain why this is essential to school health here in Illinois.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Pushes for More School Nurses, Funding for School Health Services in Coming Budget

49th District

Springfield Office:
276-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

The post Hirschauer Pushes for More School Nurses, Funding for School Health Services in Coming Budget appeared first on Illinois House Democratic Caucus.