Hirschauer Passes “Karina’s Bill” to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors From Firearms

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, delivered Karina’s Bill (HB4144), legislation that will protect domestic violence survivors from firearms. The product of years of negotiation and advocacy by Hirschauer along with domestic violence and gun violence prevention advocates, Karina’s Bill will clarify and strengthen the law regarding the firearm remedy in criminal and civil orders of protection. 

“After years of fighting in Springfield and in the courts, and after extensive negotiation and advocacy, the passage of Karina’s Bill marks a significant step forward in protecting domestic violence survivors from firearms,” Hirschauer said. “This survivor-centered bill honors the memory of Karina Gonzalez and her daughter Daniela who were murdered by an abuser who should have never had access to a firearm.

Everyone who dreams of a future without gender-based violence knows that we cannot erase tragedies in the past, but we can and we must work to build a better future in memory of victims, survivors, and all who love them. The passage of Karina’s Bill is a long overdue step in that direction.” 

Karina’s Bill combats the deadly combination of guns and domestic violence by strengthening the firearm remedy within the order of protection process and empowering judges with the ability to order the removal of guns from abusers who have been deemed a credible danger. The bill also clarifies the process for survivors, judges, and law enforcement when the firearm remedy is involved in criminal and civil orders of protections. Research has shown that the presence of a gun in a home where domestic abuse occurs increases the risk of homicide by 500%. 

“In a domestic abuse situation, a gun becomes a means of control. It is used to stop survivors from leaving threatening situations, it can perpetuate the cycle of abuse, and ultimately it can turn a dangerous situation into a deadly situation,” Hirschauer said. “This bill is about protecting survivors. And most importantly, it is about valuing women’s lives more than we value guns.”

Rep. Hirschauer Responds to Villa Park Tragedy

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. – State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, issued the following statement regarding the tragic homicide that took place over the weekend in Villa Park.

“The murder of Julie Elguezabal is a tragedy and another unacceptable loss resulting from the intersection of domestic violence and firearms. While we collectively condemn this horrific act of violence, we must also collectively take action to right this wrong. Legislation that would remove firearms from the hands of domestic abusers remains stalled in the Illinois State Senate. Karina’s Bill (SB 2633) would allow judges to issue search warrants along with orders of protection so that law enforcement can search homes and immediately remove firearms from domestic abusers. Compared to this time last year, there is a 65% increase in the number of victims killed in firearm-related incidents across Illinois, according to The Network: Advocating Against Domestic Violence. We cannot let this trend continue and must pass this lifesaving bill this session.

In response to Julie Elguezabal’s murder, DuPage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin was quoted as saying, ‘Perhaps a legislative fix or internal remedy could improve this outcome.’ On this point, I agree with the State’s Attorney — passing Karina’s Bill and giving law enforcement the tools they need to directly confiscate guns from domestic abusers will save lives. I encourage all of us in positions of leadership to ensure these safeguards are in place to protect survivors who are seeking to leave violent relationships.

Each day that passes without action on Karina’s Bill means more lives shattered and more futures stolen. We owe it to every victim and their families to ensure that they have the protection they need to reclaim their safety. My heart is with the family of Julie Elguezabal, and for hopefully the last time, I say: enough is enough. It is time that we pass Karina’s Bill and end the cycle of firearm-involved domestic violence homicides.”

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Karina’s Bill will close loopholes and strengthen state law to keep more survivors safe and ultimately save lives.

The intersection of intimate partner violence and gun violence is deadly and the ripple effects of the trauma echo far beyond the intimate relationship – affecting children who live with and witness it, and the family members, coworkers, and law enforcement who respond to it. Our top priority in the legislature is keeping people safe, especially survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. An order of protection is a key tool to help protect survivors, especially as they try and leave a violent relationship.

Right now, the order of protection process is failing too many domestic violence survivors, especially when firearms are involved. When an order of protection is granted with the firearm remedy, that gun needs to be removed from the home immediately. We cannot have any ambiguity about this process, the stakes are too high.

Karina’s Bill will clarify the law and give law enforcement clear directives on removing firearms from the home. This legislation is critically important as domestic violence is on the rise both in Chicago and across our state. Last year, there were 56 domestic violence homicides across Illinois, up from 40 in 2021 and 37 in 2020. Added to the rise in domestic violence is the proliferation of firearms across our state. In the US, intimate partner homicide represents 40-50% of the murders of all women.

We have taken a number of important steps forward in gun violence prevention in Illinois in recent years, but we cannot stop doing this important work. Karina’s Bill will close loopholes and strengthen state law to keep more survivors safe and ultimately save lives.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the legislature is scheduled to be in session in a few weeks. I am going to do everything in my power to ensure this bill is passed during the Veto Session. We cannot sit by while tragedies like the one that struck Karina, Daniela, and their family continue to occur.

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Karina’s bill:

  • Requires firearm removal to occur during service of an emergency order of protection (OP) when granted by a judge.
  • Clarifies existing language in statute for a judge to issue a warrant when granting the firearm remedy to allow for consistent firearm removal enforcement across the state.
  • Closes a loophole in current statute by barring transfer of ownership of firearms when the firearm remedy is granted.
  • Adds dating partners and ex-dating partners to the list of petitioners in the firearm restraining orders act to create additional avenues of firearm relief when an OP is not needed.
text reads "Guns make domestic violence deadly. Access to a gun makes a survivor of domestic violence 5 times more likely to be fatally shot by an intimate partner."
Assault Weapons Ruling Upholds the Work Neighbors Sent Me to Do

I applaud today’s ruling for commonsense gun safety as a lawmaker, as a Moms Demand Action volunteer, and as a mother myself.

First and foremost, I’m glad to see our Supreme Court upholding the work so many of my neighbors sent me to Springfield to do. I know there is more work to be done, so I am heartened to see that the voices of so many students, moms, and other advocates means more than the money and clout of the gun lobby. And I’m grateful to know, at least in Illinois, we will value our children more than we value guns.

We will not accept the national mania that would have us believe that seeing people massacred in our classrooms, in movie theaters, and on our streets is a price we must pay again and again.

We will act on behalf of the students who have spoken clearly about the need for change; we will comfort the parents who drop their kids off at school and say a silent prayer that they make it home safe; and we will continue the work of ending gun violence in every community in this state.

Yours sincerely,

Maura Hirschauer

Hirschauer Prioritizes Violence Prevention in Spring Legislative Session

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Building on years of advocacy, state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D- Batavia, passed a balanced budget and legislation that prevents gun violence and invests in youth and community development.

“When the Governor introduced his budget proposal months ago, I made it a priority for the final product to help bolster community safety by tackling the root causes of violence. I am proud to have supported a budget that invests in violence interruption and prevention services to keep our communities safe,” Hirschauer said. “Our budget is a representation of what we value, and this year’s budget sends an unequivocal message that the safety and wellbeing of our children and communities is essential.”

The Hirschauer-backed fiscal year 2024 budget provides millions of dollars in funding for non- profit organizations and local governments for violence interruption and prevention, community development, and youth employment. It also fully funds a multi-million dollar safe gun storage public awareness campaign to help prevent unintentional shootings, saving many, especially children, from accidental death and gun-related injuries.

In concert with the violence prevention measures in the budget, Hirschauer recently passed a House Bill 676 which would, among other measures, keeps guns out of the hands of domestic abusers by clarifying that the respondent of the firearms restraining order is prohibited from acquiring or possessing any firearms for the duration of the order of protection and outlining the process and timeframe for firearms to be seized after the entry of the order of protection. The bill also permits intimate partners to petition for a firearms order of protection, closing what is commonly known as the “boyfriend loophole.”

“In Illinois, we can compassionately govern while still maintaining strong fiscal responsibility to create a safer, brighter future,” Hirschauer said. “Though we’ve made tremendous progress this session, our work is still ongoing, and I will always stand up for the safety and wellbeing of Illinois families.”

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Passes Bill to Reduce Gun Violence, Protect Illinois Communities

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, passed a bill out of the Illinois House of Representatives Friday to further prevent gun violence and protect Illinois communities, particularly survivors of domestic abuse.

“The presence of guns can mean the difference between life and death for survivors of domestic violence and people in abusive relationships,” Hirschauer said. “When abusers have access to a gun, the risk of intimate-partner homicide increases by 500 percent, according to research from the American Journal of Public Health. Removing guns from these volatile situations is a commonsense solution that will undoubtedly save the lives of vulnerable people.”

House Bill 676 clarifies that the respondent of the firearms restraining order is prohibited from acquiring or possessing any firearms for the duration of the order of protection, and outlines the process and timeframe for firearms to be seized after the entry of the order of protection. The bill also permits intimate partners to petition for a firearms order of protection, closing what is commonly known as the “boyfriend loophole.”

The bill also includes several other provisions, including the creation of a task force to review public policy options relating to the insurance of firearms in Illinois. It also expands the First Time Weapons Offense Program for first-time, non-violent offenders charged with certain weapons offenses. This successful diversion program provides alternatives to the criminal justice system likely to reduce further crime and promote public safety.

“Gun violence is a complex public health and safety problem that necessitates comprehensive, multifaceted solutions. This bill is another step in our journey to end gun violence and make Illinois a safer place to live, work, and raise a family,” Hirschauer said. “I am grateful to my colleagues, especially the members of the Firearm Safety and Reform Working Group, for passing this bill, and I implore my colleagues in the Senate to do the same and stand up for the safety of Illinois communities once again.”

House Bill 676 awaits consideration by the Illinois Senate. For more information on Hirschauer’s legislative agenda, please visit www.ilga.gov.

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

A Letter to the People of Kane County

To the People of Kane County:

Gun violence is a uniquely American public health epidemic; while we know the remedies, public officials like Sheriff Ron Hain refuse to prescribe them. We are fighting every day for those remedies, so on one point we agree with what the Sheriff said in this Daily Herald headline: we are also embarrassed that Sheriff Hain has a “D” by his name.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act is not about politics, it is common sense public safety policy that will keep weapons of war out of neighborhoods and homes. It was publicly discussed at three subject matter hearings in December of 2022. If the Sheriff had cared to pay attention or check his facts he would have seen that several representatives from law enforcement spoke on the record in support of the bill at a hearing on December 20, 2022. But, much to the detriment of the people of Kane County, Sheriff Hain doesn’t care about facts, he prefers to spread misinformation and stoke the flames of controversy.

Families in our community have been loud and clear — enough is enough. There is nothing political about dropping your child off at school and fearing you may never see them again. No Kane county resident should feel unsafe celebrating at a parade, shopping at their local grocery store, or gathering in a park. Legislators in Illinois heeded the calls of our constituents and joined eight other states in banning the sale and possession of assault style weapons. We took action and we stand by our commitment to common sense gun safety. 

Gun violence is a complex and multifaceted public health crisis and each piece of the puzzle deserves attention — from sustained investment in community violence intervention programs and, yes, mental health support, to job creation and addressing inequalities in our public schools. But for us to continue to pretend that the mass proliferation of guns isn’t the number one factor contributing to gun violence is to deny both basic common sense and empirical research in a way that is either embarrassingly naive or maliciously disingenuous. We do need a more comprehensive approach to mental health treatment, we need to expand access to opportunity, and we need to bridge political and cultural divides – but no serious approach to gun violence can ignore the ease of access to weapons of war.  

Again, we ask Sheriff Hain to step back from public disputes and commit to working together on public safety policies that will benefit the people of Kane County. Our doors are always open for collaboration and he knows where to find us.


Senator Cristina Castro – 22nd District
Senator Karina Villa – 25th District
Representative Barbara Hernandez – 50th District
Representative Maura Hirschauer – 49th District
Representative Anna Moeller – 43rd District

A Letter to the People of Kane County

To the People of Kane County:

We are four Illinois State Representatives that represent many of you and your families in Kane County. Like you and so many others who have contacted us in recent days, we are disappointed by the recent statement from the Kane County Sheriff that misrepresents the Protect Illinois Communities Act. We are additionally alarmed by statements from sheriffs across the state that call into question the constitutionality of the law. Sheriff offices have no authority to determine the constitutionality of a law–that is up to the courts. Nor can they pick and choose which laws to enforce; they must enforce them all.

This bipartisan law is the product of hundreds of hours of negotiations and advocacy from across our shared community, including with the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Association of Police Chiefs, and the Illinois Association of Sheriffs. Law enforcement was given a seat at the negotiating table and several of their changes were incorporated into the final bill.

Many of us have been working on gun violence prevention policy for years, and we recognize that gun violence is a complex and multifaceted public health crisis and each piece of the puzzle deserves attention. We agree with the Kane Sheriff that expanding funding and access to mental health services is an important component of gun violence prevention. That is why we have invested over $500 million in community based violence interruption programs, including diversion programs and youth employment opportunities. We have expanded tele-health for mental health providers, and designated that 20% of the revenue from cannabis sales go directly toward statewide mental health funding.

We also agree with Sheriff Hain that another key factor in preventing gun violence is assuring that law enforcement has the tools and technology they need to solve crimes – which is why we supported over $200 million in new funding for law enforcement. In fact, this Act provides further protection to our law enforcement as assault rifles, extended magazines, and rapid-fire modifications put law enforcement at particular risk. A statewide ban of assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and switches protects and supports our police.

We are concerned that the sheriff’s statement will create confusion as we work to implement the law over the coming months. Despite what the sheriff would like you to believe this Act puts forth negotiated provisions to protect law abiding gun owners: it is not a gun grab. The law does not require the seizure of assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Nor does it dictate that the sheriff’s department go door to door checking FOID cards and gun cabinets.

Instead, the Act gives law-abiding gun owners over 300 days to apply for an endorsement on their FOID cards that will ensure that they lawfully keep any assault-style weapons that were lawfully purchased and possessed prior to January 11, 2023.

Illinoisans have experienced too much gun violence, with impacts that go beyond the devastating loss of life or physical injury. Lingering trauma destroys us from within and to force our constituents to endure these effects is negligent and reprehensible. By banning the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity ammunition magazines, and switches in Illinois, the Protect Illinois Communities Act makes our schools, parades, grocery stores, places of worship, and workplaces safer from the gun violence that is a threat to our wellbeing everywhere.

We intend to work collaboratively with the Illinois State Police, the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General, the Kane County Sheriff, and local law enforcement to ensure that this life-saving law is successfully implemented. We invite Sheriff Hain to contact us directly with his concerns and questions as we move forward cooperatively, in the interest of community safety.

Rep. Barbara Hernandez, 50th District
Rep. Maura Hirschauer, 49th District
Rep. Anna Moeller, 43rd District
Rep. Suzanne Ness, 66th District

A Letter to the People of DuPage County

To the People of DuPage County:

We are the 16 Illinois State Senators and Representatives that represent the overwhelming majority of you and your families in DuPage County. Like so many concerned individuals who have contacted us in recent days, we are dismayed and angered by the recent pronouncement by the DuPage County Sheriff to unilaterally direct his office to flout and disregard the duly passed and signed Protect Illinois Communities Act. The Sheriff has no authority to determine the constitutionality of a law–that is up to the courts. Nor can he pick and choose which laws to enforce; he must enforce them all.

This bipartisan law was the product of hundreds of hours of negotiations and advocacy from across our shared community and constituents. It will fight the senseless barrage of gun violence that has plagued our state for far too long. By banning the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity ammunition magazines, and switches in Illinois, the Act makes our schools, neighborhoods, parades, grocery stores, and workplaces safer from the gun violence that is a threat to our wellbeing everywhere.

The DuPage County Sheriff’s intention to violate his sworn duty to uphold our state’s laws is a dereliction of duty and puts our safety at risk. The Sheriff’s words send a clear message that lawbreakers are welcome here. Should any related tragedy occur within our borders, not only will he bear responsibility for the resulting and everlasting scars upon our community, but he also will put our livelihoods and property tax dollars at risk, as his declaration now opens us up to financial liability.

Please know that even if the DuPage County Sheriff will not do his job to protect you, we as your Illinois Senators and Representatives are already doing so with the full weight of our offices. We are working closely with the Illinois State Police, the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General, and additional levels of state and local government and law enforcement to ensure that we will fill the void left when the sheriff abandoned his duty to protect our community. We will never abandon the constituents that we have sworn to serve, not only in DuPage County, but for the whole state.


Senator Laura Ellman, 21st District
Senator Laura Murphy, 28th District
Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton, 23rd District
Senator Rachel Ventura, 43rd District
Senator Karina Villa, 25th District
Rep. Dagmara Avelar, 85th District
Rep. Diane Blair-Sherlock, 46th District
Rep. Terra Costa Howard, 42nd District

Rep. Barbara Hernandez, 50th District
Rep. Norma Hernandez, 77th District
Rep. Maura Hirschauer, 49th District
Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, 84th District
Rep. Jenn Ladisch Douglass, 45th District
Rep. Michelle Mussman, 56th District
Rep. Anne Stava-Murray, 81st District
Rep. Janet Yang Rohr, 41st District

Illinois Democrats say potential assault weapon ban will keep communities safe

from WGEM

Maura was recently interviewed on HB5855, which includes an assault weapons ban similar to her bill introduced earlier this year. It includes some changes as well as other provisions to help keep communities safer.

View on WGEM.com

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