Hirschauer Highlighting Nearly  Million in Grants for Recreation Projects Throughout Illinois

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, is excited to announce that the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Village of South Elgin, and Batavia Park District will be included in the $60 million state grant for parks districts and recreational departments in Illinois.

“I am excited to share that the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Village of South Elgin, and Batavia Park District will be the benefactors of this grant,” Hirschauer said. “This is an investment into the health and well-being of families in our community. Parks and recreational centers have always been a special place in our neighborhoods because they are a place where everyone can gather together to be active and present with their children and friends.”

Gov. Pritzker and the Department of Natural Resources are distributing nearly $60 million in grants for 118 local park projects throughout Illinois. These grants serve to help communities acquire land, and develop recreational opportunities for parks districts and recreational centers. Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Village of South Elgin, and Batavia Park District will all be receiving $600,000 in funding.

“This is an opportunity for our district to invest in renovations and services for members of our community,” Hirschauer said. “We must continue to fund projects that improve and expand services like pools and parks for families in our community to enjoy.”

For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Highlighting New Law Requiring Five Days of Paid Time Off For Employees

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. — Every worker in Illinois will have access to paid leave that can be used for any reason under a new law backed by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia.

“Not all parents can call off work to care for their sick child, and too many people have no way to take time for their mental health or life needs,” Hirschauer said. “This legislation addresses working parents’ needs by allowing them to take off during unexpected circumstances. Requiring that all employees receive paid leave protects Illinois working families from having to choose between losing a paycheck and caring for a family member.”

Hirschauer voted to pass the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, which requires all employers to grant their employees working a minimum of 40 hours a week five days of paid leave per year for personal use. Under this new law, workers can earn paid leave starting on their first day of employment, which translates to one hour of leave for every 40 hours of work. The law ensures that employees can use their paid leave as soon as the 90th day of employment. Paid leave may be used as employees desire to conduct personal business without providing a reason or any documentation or certification for the absence. The law will take effect on Jan. 1, 2024

“As a working parent, I understand the unexpectedness of family illnesses, doctor appointments, and or auto repair emergencies,” Hirschauer said. No one should be penalized or lose a paycheck for missing work because of an unforeseen emergency. This legislation is a step in the right direction, and we need more like it to address working families’ needs.”

For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Fighting to Provide Educational Support Employees with Fair and Livable Wages

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. —State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, is working hard to pass a bill that will provide fair compensation for all educational support service employees in Illinois.

“Our school employees are the backbone of our education system,” Hirschauer said. “They play a large role in our children’s lives by ensuring that every student has the support they need to thrive. Yet, so many of these dedicated individuals struggle to make ends meet, which is why they deserve fair compensation for their hard work.”

The proposed bill will amend the Employment of Teachers Article of the School Code, which will increase the minimum hourly rate for school district employees to a rate of not less than $20 for the 2024-2025 school year and increase by a dollar consecutively through the 2026-2027 school year. The legislation aims to provide educational support service employees with a fair and livable wage, including custodial employees, transportation employees, food service providers, classroom assistants, and administration staff.

“Behind every student, there is a team of dedicated school employees who work tirelessly to ensure their success,” Hirschauer said. “This bill is not just about fair wages, it’s also about showing our appreciation for those who care for our children every day. It’s time we stand together to demonstrate to these incredible individuals that their selflessness and dedication have not gone unnoticed.”

For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Denounces Proposed Rail Merger

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, and other state and local officials joined the Coalition to Stop CPKC Monday to formally oppose the proposed merger of Canadian Pacific Railway and Kansas City Southern Railroad. The Coalition, made up of the Villages of Bartlett, Bensenville, Hanover Park, Itasca, Roselle, and Schaumburg, the Cities of Elgin and Wood Dale, and DuPage County, condemns the merger due to the health and safety risks it poses to local communities.

“Though rail travel is important to state commerce, we cannot put profit over the health and safety of our communities. The proposed merger between Canadian Pacific Railway and Kansas City Southern Railroad will greatly increase the amount of freight trains running through our communities, undoubtedly increasing the risk of derailment and other dangers,” Hirschauer said. “As we watch and pray for the victims of the disastrous chemical spill in Ohio, caused by a derailed train, we must take action to ensure a similar tragedy does not befall our communities because of this reckless proposal.”

The $31 billion merger would increase the risk of derailments by quadrupling the number of trains traveling through the listed communities, as well as increase traffic gridlock and noise pollution. The Coalition is advocating for the U.S. Surface Transportation Board to deny the merger.

“Aside from the serious health and safety concerns we have over the merger, there is also potential for severe environmental impact to the Fox River, similar to the mass wildlife deaths in Ohio,” Hirschauer said. “We’ve seen the devastating effects of train derailment and we want better for our communities.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

A Letter to the People of Kane County

To the People of Kane County:

Gun violence is a uniquely American public health epidemic; while we know the remedies, public officials like Sheriff Ron Hain refuse to prescribe them. We are fighting every day for those remedies, so on one point we agree with what the Sheriff said in this Daily Herald headline: we are also embarrassed that Sheriff Hain has a “D” by his name.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act is not about politics, it is common sense public safety policy that will keep weapons of war out of neighborhoods and homes. It was publicly discussed at three subject matter hearings in December of 2022. If the Sheriff had cared to pay attention or check his facts he would have seen that several representatives from law enforcement spoke on the record in support of the bill at a hearing on December 20, 2022. But, much to the detriment of the people of Kane County, Sheriff Hain doesn’t care about facts, he prefers to spread misinformation and stoke the flames of controversy.

Families in our community have been loud and clear — enough is enough. There is nothing political about dropping your child off at school and fearing you may never see them again. No Kane county resident should feel unsafe celebrating at a parade, shopping at their local grocery store, or gathering in a park. Legislators in Illinois heeded the calls of our constituents and joined eight other states in banning the sale and possession of assault style weapons. We took action and we stand by our commitment to common sense gun safety. 

Gun violence is a complex and multifaceted public health crisis and each piece of the puzzle deserves attention — from sustained investment in community violence intervention programs and, yes, mental health support, to job creation and addressing inequalities in our public schools. But for us to continue to pretend that the mass proliferation of guns isn’t the number one factor contributing to gun violence is to deny both basic common sense and empirical research in a way that is either embarrassingly naive or maliciously disingenuous. We do need a more comprehensive approach to mental health treatment, we need to expand access to opportunity, and we need to bridge political and cultural divides – but no serious approach to gun violence can ignore the ease of access to weapons of war.  

Again, we ask Sheriff Hain to step back from public disputes and commit to working together on public safety policies that will benefit the people of Kane County. Our doors are always open for collaboration and he knows where to find us.


Senator Cristina Castro – 22nd District
Senator Karina Villa – 25th District
Representative Barbara Hernandez – 50th District
Representative Maura Hirschauer – 49th District
Representative Anna Moeller – 43rd District

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, and other state lawmakers from Colorado, Florida, Michigan, and Minnesota, met with senior White House officials on Wednesday to discuss extreme risk protection order legislation.

“When we remove guns from the hands of reckless individuals who may be a danger to themselves or others, we can prevent mass shootings, firearm suicides, and other gun-related deaths and injuries. Though Illinois has made tremendous progress on this front through the Firearms Restraining Order Act, there’s still work to be done to keep guns away from dangerous people and keep our communities safe,” Hirschauer said. “I am pleased that Illinois continues to be a model other states can follow when it comes to responsible gun safety legislation, and I am grateful to learn from the other states present.”

Illinois passed the Firearm Restraining Order Act in 2018, which allows members of an individual’s household and law enforcement officers to petition a court for an order to prevent the individual from accessing firearms if the court finds they present a significant danger. Building on that significant legislation, Hirschauer recently introduced House Bill 1404, which aims to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and expands the petitioners for extreme risk laws to intimate dating partners.

“Gun violence knows no borders, so solutions to the gun violence epidemic should not either. It was a privilege to collaborate with other states on this serious issue, and I look forward to seeing how our work creates safer communities nationwide,” Hirschauer said. “We have a long way to go to prevent gun violence, but I am confident that through meaningful legislative actions, we can keep our children and families safe.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Appointed to Medicaid Working Group

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, will continue to seek bipartisan solutions to strengthen Illinois’ Medicaid program as a new member of the Medicaid Working Group.

“All Illinoisans, regardless of race, income level, or zip code, deserve access to affordable health care. Though Illinois has made great progress expanding health care coverage these last few years, there is still much more work to be done,” Hirschauer said. “Medicaid serves our most vulnerable Illinoisans in a variety of ways, from community violence intervention programs, to life saving health care, and early childhood services for our youngest Illinoisans. As a member of the Medicaid Working Group, I will work to strengthen and improve access to these essential health care services.”

The Medicaid Working Group is a collection of Democratic lawmakers tasked with reviewing Medicaid legislation, rules, and policies. The group also proposes legislation based on their review to expand access to health care services, preserve existing health care coverage, and increase equity within Illinois’ health care system.

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, released the following statement in response to Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s budget address on Wednesday:

“As we embark on this year’s budget negotiations, I will advocate for a fair and responsible budget that funds key human services, uplifts working families, and keeps Illinois on a path of fiscal responsibility and financial growth.

“We must continue to rebuild Illinois’ fiscal house and revitalize the workforce that has gone to bat for us during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. This includes investing in workforce development within education, health care, and child care so that we can continue to benefit from these critical industries. As we craft this year’s budget, we must prioritize public education funding and expanding safe, affordable child care because we know access to education and child care allows for upward mobility and better health and economic outcomes for our children and families. Moreover, we must continue to bolster community safety by tackling the root causes of violence so that all Illinoisans, regardless of zip code, can feel safe going to school, work, and more.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come up with a budget that not only meets the needs of our communities, but prioritizes the health, safety, and wellbeing of Illinois’ most vulnerable.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. —State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, will work to improve Illinois’ public school system, prioritize affordable childcare, and advocate for policies that protect the environment as a member of crucial House committees focused on education, child welfare and energy.

“With a new session underway, I am ready to work and pass legislation that will help move our state forward. Students statewide deserve the same opportunities regardless of their zip code,” Hirschauer said. “I plan on working to ensure our schools stay strong and improve our opportunities for students all over Illinois.”

Hirschauer will serve as the vice chair of the Child Care Access and Early Childhood Education Committee where she will focus on bringing quality, affordable childcare to Illinois families, and supporting the needs of our critical early childhood workforce. Additionally, she will serve on the budget committees responsible for education and human services. Hirschauer will also serve on the Housing Committee and Environment & Energy Committee. 

Hirschauer will use her experience as an early childhood educator and first grade teacher to guide her committee work. She will advocate to bring more resources to special education, mental health, and early intervention services to eliminate the ever widening achievement gap.

In the Energy and Environment committee, Hirschauer will continue to support legislation that promotes clean energy solutions and establishes more renewable energy in Illinois.

“I am excited for the work ahead and look forward to working with my colleagues across the aisle to pass meaningful legislation,” Hirschauer said. “My goal is for Illinois to be the best state to raise your family – with abundant and affordable childcare, excellent schools and healthcare services, safe communities, and great jobs.”

For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
276-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Passes Bill Requiring Five Days of Paid Time Off For Employees

WEST CHICAGO, Ill. — Every employee of Illinois will be guaranteed at least five days of paid leave for personal every year use under legislation passed by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia

“As a working parent, I understand the struggles that follow unexpected illnesses and childcare,” said Hirschauer. “Unfortunately, we live in a society where not all parents can take leave to care for their sick children. That is why I fully back this legislation that allows parents to take off during those unfortunate and unexpected circumstances, and ensures all workers have time to tend to family or personal matters. Requiring that all employees receive paid leave is just one way that we are working to protect Illinois families.”

Hirschauer voted to pass Senate Bill 208, The Paid Leave for All Workers Act, which requires all employers to grant their employees working a minimum of 40 hours a week five days of paid leave per year for personal use. Under this legislation, workers can earn paid leave starting on their first day of employment, which translates to one hour of leave for every 40 hours of work.

Hirschauer’s vote also ensures that employees will be permitted to use their paid leave as soon as the 90th day of employment. However, employers hold the right to allow workers to use paid leave earlier. Paid leave may be used as employees desire to conduct any personal business without providing a reason for the absence or any documentation or certification.

Employers hold the authority to require employees to provide notice before taking paid time off. Up to 40 hours of unused paid leave can be carried over into the following year. However, employers will not be required to cash out the balance of an outgoing employee’s paid leave.

Employers who violate the act would be subjected to penalties, which include fines and compensatory damages for the affected employee.

For more information, please contact office@repmaura49.com.

Rep. Maura HirschauerHirschauer Meets with White House Leaders on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation

49th District

Springfield Office:
276-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #108
West Chicago IL 60185