
As federal immigration raids have been initiated in Illinois, State Rep. Maura Hirschauer is encouraging residents to understand their rights under Illinois state law. This resource page offers trusted information from Illinois law and community organizations. This page is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. It includes important resources to help you understand your rights, along with links to trusted partners and organizations for additional support.

Everyone in the U.S., regardless of immigration status, has constitutional rights and protections. The information here is designed to help you stay informed about your rights, prepare for potential encounters with ICE, and navigate the challenges of mass deportation threats. While fear tactics are being used to create anxiety within our community, this page serves as a resource to help you stay informed and prepared with up-to-date information.

Illinois Protections

In Illinois, law enforcement is largely prohibited from participating in immigration enforcement. This protects not only undocumented individuals but also U.S. citizens who may be concerned about their immigrant family members.

Key Protections under Illinois Law:

  1. The TRUST Act
    Illinois law enforcement agencies cannot engage in immigration enforcement operations. This helps build trust between communities and law enforcement.
  2. The VOICES Act
    Officers must follow procedures to protect immigrants who are victims of violent crime or human trafficking and who have assisted law enforcement in investigating or prosecuting certain types of crimes.
  3. The Way Forward Act (2021)
    This law strengthens protections by authorizing the Illinois Attorney General to investigate and enforce compliance with the TRUST Act and VOICES Act.

What Illinois Local Law Enforcement Can and Can’t Do:

  • Cannot stop, arrest, search, or detain individuals solely based on citizenship or immigration status.
  • Cannot generally assist with federal civil immigration enforcement operations.
  • Can only make arrests based on a criminal warrant or probable cause that a criminal offense has occurred.

NEWS UPDATE: Expedited Removal Expansion

Updated 1/24/25, Gathered from National Immigration Law Center, visit the original page for additional information.

Create A Safety Plan

Start a family plan and talk to your children about it to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.

The Resurrection Project Emergency Family Plan Resource Link

Guardianship documents allow you to legally designate a trusted adult to care for your children if you are unable to do so. These documents can specify who will make decisions about your children’s education, healthcare, and daily needs. To learn more please visit the Illinois Legal Aid: Getting Guardianship of a child website.

What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace

Information gathered from the National Immigration Law Center website, visit the original page for additional details.

Know Your Rights: Health Care and Health Insurance

You have the right to healthcare regardless of your immigration status. Some states require hospitals to ask patients about their immigration status. If you are asked for your immigration status, you do not have to provide it, and a healthcare provider cannot refuse to treat you because you declined to share your immigration status information. For additional information, please visit the National Immigration Law Center website.

Know Your Rights: If You Are Arrested or Detained by Immigration

  • ICE’s online detainee locator ( to find an adult who is in immigration custody. Or call the local ICE office ( Make sure to have the alien registration number written down, if you have one.
  • You can call the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) hotline number at 1-800-898-7180 (toll-free) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get information on your case’s status.

ICE Requirements for Conducting Warrantless Arrests and Vehicle Stops

The National Immigrant Justice Center discussed the Castanon-Nava Settlement Agreement. According to the Castanon-Nava Settlement Agreement, ICE is required to follow certain guidelines when making arrests without a judicial warrant, especially in the “Chicago area of responsibility,” which includes Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, and Kentucky, until May 2025. These requirements include:

Violations and Remedies: If ICE fails to properly document the arrest, it is considered a violation of policy, which may lead to the individual’s release. Additionally, repeated violations can result in further legal action.

Mandatory Documentation: ICE must complete Form I-213, explaining why the warrantless arrest took place, detailing the location (such as a business, public area, or residence), and whether the arrested individual was an employee of the company or a resident of the household.

Explanation of the Arrest: ICE must clearly explain why they believed the individual would flee if a judicial warrant were issued later. They must also identify themselves as ICE officers and provide a documented explanation for the arrest.

For more detailed information about the settlement and referrals please visit the following link:

Where can I find free or low-cost legal help?

  • The Resurrection Project’s Legal Assistance page to find a free immigration legal service provider near you.


Mientras se inician redadas federales de inmigración en Illinois, la representante estatal Maura Hirschauer está alentando a los residentes a comprender sus derechos según la ley estatal de Illinois. Esta página de recursos ofrece información confiable de organizaciones comunitarias y legales de Illinois. Esta página tiene fines educativos e informativos únicamente y no pretende ser asesoramiento legal. Incluye recursos importantes para ayudarle a comprender sus derechos, junto con enlaces a socios y organizaciones confiables para obtener apoyo adicional.

Todos en los EE. UU., independientemente de su estatus migratorio, tienen derechos y protecciones constitucionales. La información aquí está diseñada para ayudarlo a mantenerse informado sobre sus derechos, prepararse para posibles encuentros con ICE y afrontar los desafíos de las amenazas de deportación masiva. Si bien se utilizan tácticas de miedo para crear ansiedad dentro de nuestra comunidad, esta página sirve como recurso para ayudarlo a mantenerse informado y preparado con información actualizada.

Protecciones de Illinois

En Illinois, a las autoridades policiales se les prohíbe en gran medida participar en la aplicación de la ley de inmigración. Esto protege no sólo a las personas indocumentadas sino también a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que puedan estar preocupados por sus familiares inmigrantes.

Protecciones clave bajo la ley de Illinois:

  1. La Ley De Confianza
    Las agencias policiales de Illinois no pueden participar en operaciones de control de inmigración. Esto ayuda a generar confianza entre las comunidades y las autoridades.
  2. La Ley Voces
    Los agentes deben seguir procedimientos para proteger a los inmigrantes que son víctimas de delitos violentos o trata de personas y que han ayudado a las autoridades a investigar o procesar ciertos tipos de delitos.
  3. Ley Del Camino A Seguir (2021)
    Esta ley fortalece las protecciones al autorizar al Fiscal General de Illinois a investigar y hacer cumplir la Ley TRUST y la Ley VOICES.

Lo que las autoridades locales de Illinois pueden y no pueden hacer:

  • No puede detener, arrestar, registrar o detener a personas únicamente por su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio.
  • No puede generalmente ayudar con las operaciones federales de control de inmigración civil.
  • Sólo se pueden realizar arrestos con base en una orden penal o causa probable de que se haya cometido un delito penal.

ACTUALIZACIÓN DE NOTICIAS : Ampliación de la Deportación Acelerada

Actualizado en 1/24/25, recopilado del National Immigration Law Center visite la pagina original para el enforme completo

“El 21 de enero, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional amplió el uso de un proceso llamado “expulsión acelerada”, poniendo a los miembros indocumentados de la comunidad en mayor riesgo de ser sometidos a un proceso de deportación rápida. Estos cambios entrarán en vigor a partir del 21 de enero de 2025. Se trata de una situación en rápida evolución que cambiará en base a las acciones de la administración presidencial.”(National Immigration Law Center, 2025)

Crear un Plan de Seguridad

Inicie un plan familiar y hable con sus hijos al respecto para asegurarse de que todos sepan qué hacer en caso de una emergencia.

Proyecto Resurreccion Plan Familiar de Emergencia Link

Los documentos de tutela le permiten designar legalmente a un adulto de confianza para que cuide a sus hijos si usted no puede hacerlo. Estos documentos pueden especificar quién tomará decisiones sobre la educación, la atención médica y las necesidades diarias de sus hijos. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web  Illinois Legal Aid: Getting Guardianship of a Child .

Que Hacer Si Inmigracion Llega A Su Trabajo

Informacion recopilada del National Immigration Law Center, visite la pagina original para el enforme completo

Conozca Sus Derechos: Atencion Medica y Seguro Medico

Usted tiene derecho a recibir atención médica independientemente de su estatus migratorio. Algunos estados exigen que los hospitales pregunten a los pacientes sobre su situación migratoria. Si le preguntan su estatus migratorio, no tiene que proporcionarlo y un proveedor de atención médica no puede negarse a tratarlo porque usted se negó a compartir su información sobre su estatus migratorio. Para obtener información adicional, visite el sitio web de National Immigration Law Center.

Conozca Sus Derechos: Si es Arrestado o Detenido por Inmigracion

  • Localizador de detenidos en línea de ICE ( para encontrar un adulto que esté bajo custodia de inmigración. O llame a la oficina local de ICE ( Asegúrese de tener anotado el número de registro de extranjero, si lo tiene.
  • Puede llamar a la línea directa de la Oficina Ejecutiva para la Revisión de Inmigración (EOIR) al 1-800-898-7180 ​​(gratuito) las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para obtener información sobre el estado de su caso.

Requisitos de ICE para Realizar Arrestos y Detenciones de Vehículos sin Orden Judicial

Requisitos de ICE para Realizar Arrestos y Detenciones de Vehículos sin Orden Judicial

Según el acuerdo de conciliación Castanon-Nava, ICE está obligado a cumplir ciertos requisitos al realizar arrestos sin orden judicial, especialmente en la “área de responsabilidad de Chicago”, que incluye Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas y Kentucky hasta mayo de 2025. Estos requisitos incluyen:

  1. Documentación Obligatoria: ICE debe completar el formulario I-213, especificando por qué se realizó el arresto sin orden judicial, detallando la ubicación (como un negocio, área pública o residencia) y si la persona arrestada era empleado de la empresa o residente de la vivienda.
  2. Explicación del Arresto: ICE debe explicar claramente la razón por la cual creían que la persona podría huir si se emitiera una orden judicial más tarde. Además, deben identificarse como oficiales de ICE y proporcionar una justificación documentada del arresto.
  3. Violaciones y Remedios: Si ICE no documenta correctamente el arresto, se considera una violación de la política, lo que puede llevar a la liberación de la persona detenida. Además, los violaciones repetidas pueden resultar en más medidas legales.

Para más detalles sobre el acuerdo y los derechos de las personas, visita la página de recursos

Donde puedo encontrar ayuda legal gratuita ó de bajo Costo?

  • Visite la página de Asistencia Legal de The Resurrection Project para encontrar un proveedor de servicios legales de inmigración gratuitos cerca de usted.

Rep. Maura Hirschauer (D-Batavia)
49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Rep. Hirschauer to Fight for Smart Approach to Public Safety as Chair of New Gun Violence Prevention Committee

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, will continue her fight for smart policies that keep every community safe as chair of the new House Gun Violence Prevention Committee.

“I am honored to be appointed chairwoman of this critical, new committee. Firearms are now the number one cause of death of our children both in our state and our country. And while we have made recent strides enacting common sense gun safety policies here in Illinois, there is more work to be done,” Hirschauer said. “Gun violence looks different in communities across our state, but it affects everyone. This committee was made to ensure that we create and implement common sense policies in an open transparent process with input from constituents, law enforcement, and state agencies. Our number one job in Springfield is to keep our constituents safe. The rippling trauma of gun violence echoes across our communities, and the work of our committee will honor the voices of survivors, and the stories of those we have lost.”

Hirschauer has spent her time in Springfield fighting for positive change and demanding commonsense gun safety laws. A founding member of the Kane and Kendall County chapter of Moms Demand Action, Hirschauer took her fight to Springfield where she has been instrumental in the passage of Illinois’ assault weapons ban, regulations stopping the flow of untraceable ‘ghost guns,’ and most recently the passage of Karina’s Bill, which strengthens protection orders to get guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.

Hirschauer will continue this work, and collaborate with colleagues and activists from across the state, as chair of the new Gun Violence Prevention Committee, which will be the House’s primary committee dealing with the issue of gun violence.

“I will make it my priority to listen to all Illinois residents and create and pass laws that will protect us and our communities,” Hirschauer said. “The bills we pass in the General Assembly have real life and death consequences and I am honored to lead the conversations in the House on common sense gun safety policies. I look forward to digging into a wide variety of legislative ideas from safe storage to community violence prevention initiatives and beyond.

Rep. Maura HirschauerRep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Reminds Residents of their Rights as Threat of Immigration Raids Looms


Batavia, Ill. – As communities brace for the threat of federal immigration raids, state Rep. Maura Hirschauer is encouraging residents to know their rights under Illinois state law intended to check unlawful harassment and racial profiling. 

“I care deeply about the safety and well-being of my constituents; and I will do all that I can to protect the hard-working people and families of the 49th district,” said Hirschauer. “The Trump Administration is threatening to target our immigrant communities here in Illinois with raids and deportation. As we move forward these next four years, it’s important that our immigrant communities know their rights, and my office is here to offer support. Illinoisans believe in taking care of their neighbors; it is the Midwest way, and it is now more important than ever.”

Rep. Hirschauer is reminding residents of their rights under Illinois state law, including the Illinois Trust Act and the VOICES Act, which protects all residents from warrantless arrest in a variety of safe spaces, including churches, schools, hospitals, and group homes. 

Additionally, immigrant-rights experts are reminding residents to:

  • Refuse to open the door to their home unless presented with a warrant signed by a judge. 
  • Exercise the right to remain silent and not answer questions. 
  • Do not sign anything without speaking to an attorney. 
  • If detained, get a lawyer trained in immigration law. Call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights helpline at 1-855-435-7693 to connect with experts in immigration law. 

For additional resources and tips, visit or

Noticia De Prensa

Hirschauer Recuerda Residentes de sus Derechos Mientras se Acercan las Incursiones Contra Inmigrantes

Batavia, Ill. – Mientras las comunidades se preparan por las amenazas de incursiones de oficiales federales de inmigracion, el/la rep. estatal [name] motiva a sus residentes para reconocer sus derechos bajo la ley del estado de Illinois que intenta detener el acoso injustificado o la persecución racial.

“Me importa profundamente la seguridad y bienestar de mis constituyentes y voy hacer todo lo que pueda para proteger a las personas y familias trabajadoras del distrito 49,” dijo Hirschauer. “La administración de Trump está amenazando nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes aquí en Illinois con incursiones y deportaciones. En lo que avanzamos estos próximos 4 años, es importante que nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes conozcan sus derechos y mi oficina estará aquí para ofrecer soporte. Los residentes de Illinois creen en cuidar a sus vecinos; es la manera medio oeste y es más importante ahora que nunca.”

Hirschauer recuerda a sus residentes de sus derechos bajo la ley del estado de Illinois, incluso la Ley de Trust y la ley VOICES de Illinois, que protegen a los residentes de la detención injustificada en espacios seguros como iglesias, escuelas, hospitales, y hogares comunes. 

También, expertos de derechos de inmigrantes recuerda residentes a: 

  • Dejar de abrir la puerta a su hogar a menos que se presente una orden judicial firmada por un juez. 
  • Ejercer el derecho a permanecer en silencio y no responder a las preguntas. 
  • No firmar nada sin hablar con un abogado. 
  • Si es arrestado, obtenga un abogado cualificado en la ley de inmigracion. Llame a la línea de asistencia de la Coalición de Derechos para Inmigrantes y Refugiados 1-855-435-7693 para conectarse con expertos en la ley de inmigracion. 

Para más recursos y consejos, visite a o

Maura Hirschauer headshot 2022

Rep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
270-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer’s Bi-Partisan Karina’s Bill in the News

Fiscal Responsibility, Living Costs, Gun Safety Among Top Priorities for Rep. Hirschauer in New Term

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, will continue her efforts to develop fiscally and socially responsible budgets, protect communities from gun violence, and help families make ends meet in a new term in the Illinois House.

“It is truly an honor to continue representing the communities of the 49th District, and to be back in Springfield doing the work that I love to do for Illinois families and constituents,” said Hirschauer. “This session, I will prioritize fiscal responsibility so we can provide economic relief to the people of Illinois. I will continue to fight for commonsense gun safety policies that will keep our communities safe, and focus on access to affordable healthcare for all.”

Hirschauer began a new term Wednesday, with a focus on protecting access to the critical service people need to be their best during difficult financial times. Over her time in the House, Hirschauer has championed balanced budgets that also make smart investments in local schools, in affordable college education, and in healthcare and senior care. That will remain a top priority as finances tighten and federal leaders push severe cuts to the resources working families and seniors need.

Hirschauer will also continue working to crack down on hidden ‘junk fees’ that increase the cost of everyday essentials. In 2024, Hirschauer eliminated a state grocery tax to help offset some rising costs in fluctuating markets. She also worked to address the rising cost of healthcare, by controlling premium increases, cracking down on gimmicks that deny people access to care, and getting junk insurance plans out of the market.

“As inflation and costs increase, I strive to maintain an economy that will support working people and families in my district who are struggling to put food on their tables and make ends meet,” said Hirschauer. “I will continue my work on passing a statewide safe firearm storage policy that will save lives. Our number one job in the General Assembly is to keep our constituents safe and provide support for them and their families to live full and healthy lives. I look forward to continuing the work of the people.”

Rep. Maura HirschauerRep. Maura Hirschauer

49th District

Springfield Office:
271-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1653

District Office:
946 Neltnor Blvd #104
West Chicago IL 60185

Hirschauer Passes “Karina’s Bill” to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors From Firearms

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, delivered Karina’s Bill (HB4144), legislation that will protect domestic violence survivors from firearms. The product of years of negotiation and advocacy by Hirschauer along with domestic violence and gun violence prevention advocates, Karina’s Bill will clarify and strengthen the law regarding the firearm remedy in criminal and civil orders of protection. 

“After years of fighting in Springfield and in the courts, and after extensive negotiation and advocacy, the passage of Karina’s Bill marks a significant step forward in protecting domestic violence survivors from firearms,” Hirschauer said. “This survivor-centered bill honors the memory of Karina Gonzalez and her daughter Daniela who were murdered by an abuser who should have never had access to a firearm.

Everyone who dreams of a future without gender-based violence knows that we cannot erase tragedies in the past, but we can and we must work to build a better future in memory of victims, survivors, and all who love them. The passage of Karina’s Bill is a long overdue step in that direction.” 

Karina’s Bill combats the deadly combination of guns and domestic violence by strengthening the firearm remedy within the order of protection process and empowering judges with the ability to order the removal of guns from abusers who have been deemed a credible danger. The bill also clarifies the process for survivors, judges, and law enforcement when the firearm remedy is involved in criminal and civil orders of protections. Research has shown that the presence of a gun in a home where domestic abuse occurs increases the risk of homicide by 500%. 

“In a domestic abuse situation, a gun becomes a means of control. It is used to stop survivors from leaving threatening situations, it can perpetuate the cycle of abuse, and ultimately it can turn a dangerous situation into a deadly situation,” Hirschauer said. “This bill is about protecting survivors. And most importantly, it is about valuing women’s lives more than we value guns.”