WEST CHICAGO, Ill. – Illinois residents can now check their vaccination status and pull up their vaccine card online through a new program from Illinois Department of Public Health and supported by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia.
“As the Delta variant of COVID-19 surges and more businesses and events require vaccination status for entry, the new Vax Verify system makes proving vaccination status easy,” said Hirschauer. “Vax Verify is a safe, secure and simple way to pull up your vaccination card if needed, without worrying about confidential information becoming public.”
The Vax Verify program, created by the Illinois Department of Public Health, allows any Illinois resident over the age of 18 to check their vaccination status online. To use Vax Verify, residents must complete a one-time confidential verification process. After verification, residents will be able to view their own record in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE). Interested residents can begin verifying their account or view their vaccine status at https://idphportal.illinois.gov.
“Nearly seven million Illinois residents have already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine,” continued Hirschauer. “Vax Verify just continues to simply the process of being vaccinated and putting Illinois on the right track to opening safely.”
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